Monday, August 20, 2012

8/19/12 - DAY 15 - Two weeks into the Challange

Today marked day 15 on the Challenge and I have felt great!

In these past two weeks I have lost 4.5 pounds and that is with not being strict with the plan as I should. I have noticed using their products that my energy level is higher and I have more clarity. I also have noticed that I don't crave foods that are bad for me and I'm not as hungry as I usually am, which is a blessing in itself. However, the program does require me to drink a TON of water (about 1 GALLON of water per day) and it also requires you eating about 2-3 hours throughout the day.

I have found it difficult drinking that much water and keeping the schedule up. I have often drank WAY below that amount, skipped meals (thus skipping taking the ADVOCARE products that go with that meal) or just forgetting to take the ADVOCARE products when I should.

Even still, will all my mess-ups, I have still benefited from it losing over 2 pounds a week and have never felt this good in a very long time. I no longer am reaching for coffee or chocolate to pick me up in the afternoon, taking naps or wanting tons of bread products. I'm amazed on how these products have kept me focused on what is important in my life and health.

And it couldn't come at a better time!

Being in my mid-40's and homeschooling six kids, I'm a very busy Mom. Michael, who is also taking the Challenge, has events going on at work that require his extra efforts.

It has been two weeks now and I finally feel that I'm getting into the swing of things. They say you can do the challenge every 90 days and I plan to do it again in November. Until then, I will do my best on whatever time remains on this challenge and continue to learn more about the product and the company.

Oh, and about the company - I went to a meeting today and met some really great folks. It seems to be a great company to be involved with. I am going to learn more about it.

8/9/12 & 8/10/12 - Days 4 & 5 - Out For Dinner

Both day 4 & 5 I was out for dinner and part lunch.

Yesterday we had to leave at 11 am for a doctor's appointment and get to a birthday sleep-over campout. Needless to say I brought my cooler stocked with everything I would need to survive the day. At the party, I had no desire for the chips or cake - amazing! The only thing is that I did eat baked chicken served there that was seasoned with salt & pepper. Overall I think I handled day 4 pretty well, except I think I should have had more water! I went to bed feeling my feet where bloated and I was coming down with a cold. I didn't have a good sleep that night because of a stuffy nose.

Today I woke up feeling much better and when I went on the scale, I did lose a little. However, I had to take my second Spark with my lunchtime meal because I didn't get a good sleep last night and I was starting to feel very tired.
I left at 2 p.m., after my lunch, to take my oldest to a doctor's appointment whic I thought would be quick and then I'd pick up my kids from the birthday campout early and come home for dinner. Therefore, I did NOT bring any provisions. Well, that didn't turn out like that. The 2:45 appointment ended at 5 p.m. and by then I was beyond ready for my mid-afternoon snack since I had not eaten since 1:30. So I ran to Aldi's and got a Bolthouse Green Drink, a banana & some sun flower seeds before I left for my 45 minute drive to pick up my children.

When I got to my friend's house, I was told that the husband already went out to bring back some dinner for us. So we stayed for dinner again, but this time I didn't have my supplies.

Thus, I didn't take my Omegaplex AGAIN and had chicken, carrots (lightly honey & basil) and a few boiled potatoes. I don't know if potatoes are okay right now, but I was hungry. When I got home at 10 p.m. I took my Herbal Tablets, but not the Omegplex I missed at dinner.

I was pretty much out all day both days. Next time when I go out I now know I need to be ready for ANYTHING and bring some Advocare supplies with me. I don't want to get stuck NOT having what I need to take when I'm caught not being able to eat at time.

I'm trying the best I can, but I can see it is MUCH harder when you are on the move, which I am all too often. It's easy to forget your supplies when in a rush to get out the door and perhaps not really anticipating that you just MIGHT be out when it comes time for your next Advocare product. It's also easy to not reach those 2-3 hour deadlines between meals when you are somewhere where you can't get to food or are very busy doing something you need to get done. And when these things happen, it's also difficult to go out-of-your way to find food or ask for tailored food when at a friend's house that you are able to eat on this challenge. I struggled with all of these these past two days and I can say, I get it why this is called a challange.

8/8/12 - Day 3 - I Thought Today Would Be Easier!

Well, I thought today would be easier. It wasn't.

You see, I knew I was going to be home all day. On Saturday (yes, the day we started our program), we tore off wall paper and today was the day I was going to finish sanding and putting on the sealer/primer since yesterday we were out all day. I found my day got so busy doing those things, that I too didn't keep on track as I was hoping to.

First of all, I didn't roll out of bed until 9 AM because of our exhausting day yesterday and then I stayed up last night trying to get stuff done.

I also noticed, as I ate the final fiber drink, that there were vitamin packets at the bottom of the box I didn't notice before. Here, they were the Herbal Cleanse tablets that I was reading about on the directions and we hadn't taken them the first two days into the challenge.

You see, we don't really have all the product yet. When we started the challenge, our friends gave us the supplies we would need for the first six days and so we are still waiting for the shipment. When I saw the Herbel Cleanse tablets at bedtime on the sheet, I thought it was a different product in a different box that is on it's way. Afterall, our friends didn't leave us any Meal Replacement Shakes and they were on the list too! So I just passed it off. But I was wrong - they were all there packaged together in one box. I HERBAL CLEANSE is an entire 'system' box and NOT just one 'product' box. All you need to cleanse yourself naturally is in that box. Well, chalk it up to experience - but now WHAT?

I called my friend and asked her what to do. At first, she didn't know and thought perhaps that we should start all over, but then she found out that we should just add it to days 7 and 8 instead. So tonight, Michael and I took the Herbal Cleanse tables for the first time.

I don't know why I didn't see them there. I just thought it was some kind of packaging ploy and that the box was just larger than needed to make it seem like more. My mind is always placing things into categories and boxes and I just didn't think more than one kind of product would be in the same box. Now I know that even the Probiotic Restore tables are there which is good to know since we are starting those tomorrow and we STILL haven't received our shipment.

The mix-up I blame it on my dyslexia!

Anywho, I didn't always eat on schedule, though I tried and I found I had even forgotten to take my Omegaplex at dinnertime (which was at 8pm!). I know I let too much time go between meals and I still didn't drink enough water. You know, though, I'm NOT discouraged. I'm in the middle of a learning curve with this product and in life and I'm willing to see it through. Even my friend, who had been using these products since last November, admitted that she had difficulty keeping track of everything and still is in her own learning curve as she guides others. No kidding!

I also asked her about our difficulty from yesterday. She said it's okay to skip the snack or eat more - it is just up to you. At least I think that is what she said - I'm still now quiet sure. I'm going to ask again.

I'm hoping I'll be there one day and that what I'm going through now will be a good lesson for me to pass on to for someone else.

Lord, please help me with day 4 because tomorrow I'll also be out most of the day to a doctor's appointment and then a birthday party. Will I survive? Stay tuned!

8/7/12 - Day 2 Hiccups using ADVOCARE

God is so amazing.

It just came to my mind yesterday and a few days before I found out about Advocare, I had prayed and asked the Lord to take away my sugar cravings. I didn't know how HE was going to do it, but I know I couldn't do it myself. I was in my car telling Jesus how crummy I was feeling and asking Him if he's step in. I explained to Him that I had seemed to lost the ability to make good food choices for me and my family and if he could please do something to break my sugar chain.

Well, he did.

I met up with an old friend at a graduation party and in our small talk I explained I was making a family gym in our garage. Then she told me about Advocare and I was intrigued. She offered to leave off a few packets of "Spark," which is an energy drink. The first day I drank it in the morning and I found out I had energy throughout the day. However, somedays I do have more energy than others, so I wasn't really sure it was the Spark or not.

I was going to leave the other packet for my husband, but the next day I found myself beginning to feel tired mid-afternoon and feeling like I might need a nap. I looked at that Spark and wondered if it would help, so I took it. In about 20 minutes I had renewed energy and the desire for that nap just faded.

The next day, I didn't have any Spark, and I needed a nap. It was THEN, I knew the Spark did help me and that I needed to know more about this product.

Well, I just thought I give you a quick history as to HOW I got involved with Advoare. I'm not one to spend extra money on anything. I'm a do-it-yourself kinda gal - everything from handmade, trashed picked, freecycle, craigslist, ebay, thrift shops and coupons keep me going. I don't like to spend extra money on my hair, make-up and nails and certainly not a 'program' to help me lose weight that I know I could if I had just ate right and exercised! However, for some reason I felt the urge to really try this one AND I for some reason have the motivation to follow this one through. The only possible reason I can think of as to WHY I would at all spend money on a 'program' is because of the Lord putting it on my heart. I'm sure now that this was an answered prayer FROM HIM and that HE will give me the help I need to accomplish my health and weight goals.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me his strength.

That said, I want to tell you about our rough day 2.

Day 2 we saw a challenge with the challenge (LOL) because there were some 'hiccups' along the way.

Day 2 was a church day. We both took our Spark & Cayalast about 9 am. Then we got busy getting the kids ready and doing this and that before church and didn't eat breakfast until about 45 minutes later. For Michael, it was an 1 ½ later, which was right before we had to leave to go to church. We also took our before pictures and measurements and I don't want to talk about it.

Church went longer since it was communion, so it wasn't over until 1 p.m. I did have everything packed, so Michael went in line to get food for the kids and I got the cooler with our food for the day.

There we sat, ready to eat, but we had already missed the mid-morning snack and now it's lunch time. Should we eat both now, or just skip the mid-morning snack??? Michael and I weren't sure. I was very hungry so I opt for eating both because it's not good for your body to starve. I thought I heard somewhere that if you don't eat enough, your body will feel like it's starving so it will hold onto more weight. I was VERY hungry at that moment.

Michael, however, explained the importance of portion control and that over eating on one sitting also slows down your metabolism. I totally understand that too - but truthfully, the food I had before me for both meals was still less calories than I had normally eaten in the past at one meal! I mean, the mid-morning snack was only 3 hard-boiled eggs and about 8 cherries and the lunch was a small salad with chicken. I really didn't think that was a lot.

Well, I at the eggs, fruit and ½ of the salad. About an hour later I finished it in the car. Then we were off to a graduation party. I though for sure they might have some 'lean' protein there like chicken, but EVERYTHING they had was fattening, except for carrot sticks and watermelon. Lucky for me, I brought cooked veggies with me and everything we needed to survive - except the lean protein. I was determined to be good!

Since our day was so behind schedule, I decided to have our mid-afternood snack at 5pm and our dinner at 7:30. So as my gracious hostess was making sure everybody had tons of food, I was pulling out my Advocare stuff and singing it's praises to her. I couldn't believe that with all that potato salad, cheese cakes, brownies, chips and soda around, I had no desire to eat any of it except for what I was allowed to - watermelon and carrots. Even then, I didn't eat much of that.

When it came time for dinner, I did, however, take some of that pulled pork that was backed in Baby Back BBQ sauce (sugar) and I tried rinsing it in hot water to get off as much BBQ sauce as possible. Needless to say, I'm not sure it worked because it still tasted good, but I only had about ½ fistful just to be sure.

I was so proud of myself. Thank you Jesus.

Michael and I still wonder, what is the best thing to do when you miss a meal? Do we double-up or miss it? I'm going to find out tomorrow.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

8/5/12 - Today we started the ADVOCARE 24-day Challenge

Today we did it! Michael and I began our journey on the Advocare 24-day Challenge, but now without bumps along the road. Though we were both home all day, life got busy today as we took off the wall paper on the large back wall in our living room. Wallpaper was all over the floor and Michael worked and spackled into the night. I was busy helping him when I could, but I focused on what we needed to be eating and when. I cut, measured and brought food to Michael as he worked.

I didn't get up until 10 am so our meals were a bit off so we combined our lunch and mid-day snack - which was eaten at 4 P.M.! Like anything, there is a learning curve and questions to be asked, but we did our best for day one. I'm not sure if we got all of our water in, though.

we are going to church and then a graduation party and there lies the real test. I already have made our meals for tomorrow and now I'm just praying there will also be food there we will be able to eat (chicken instead of hotdogs).

is also concerned about his own day because he travels throughout the day and won't be able to keep the schedule as easily. I'm packing him everything he will need to eat during his day and I hope, when he's driving, he will get opprotunity to eat. It's not uncommon for him to come home and say, "I haven't eaten anything all day." I'm sure THAT won't happen again. With this plan I know he will be eating and I'm sure that will make his busy days more manageable.

haven't yet measured ourselves. We need to do that.


In the light of the 2012 Summer Olympics, Michael and I have decided to take a dive - into better health. For some time now I have been battling the bulge, wanting to be thin again but not really doing much about it. I had previously been on a diet and lost 20 lbs., but I had since gained them back and then went on to have two more babies at age 41 and 43 that has made me at my all-time-high weight!

Weight is a subject I often avoided because it just seemed too unreachable for me now. Not only did my previous weight came back, but now I'm in my mid-40's. How is it possible that I could EVER get back to the size I used to be?

Michael, on the other hand, has only gain a minimum amount of weight but he's battling other issues that *might* be due to the stress of his job; or might not.

Two days ago we decided to do something about it.


Actually, I wanted to do this and Michael went along with me because he knew it would help me doing it together. We bought the 24-day challenge with "Advocare" and beginning Saturday we are going to try it. The first 10 days will help us to detox our body and the next 14 days will help us to re-learn a new eating lifestyle - or something like that. All days are packed with Advocare products that will help along the way.

Before I begin this program, I'd like to express just how I have been feeling right now. I'm hoping that somewhere down the road, this might touch a cord with someone who is struggling such as I am on the day of this blog.

I was always an active child though I didn't really care for any sports. I loved to run and I was perhaps the fastest runner I knew as a preteen. I loved to bike and would take bike rides of 25 miles or so just for fun. I loved to dance and would go to "Christian dances" and dance the evening away almost without stopping (unless there was a song on I didn't care for). I was never really happy with my body since I was a medium to larger framed girl than some of my friends, but in my grown teens and young twenty years, I ranged about 130-135 lbs. which was normal for my body type.

When I met my husband, we began to go to fast food restaurants often. I became less active and after our wedding, I began to 'settle down'. Slowly I began to gain weight but it wasn't in just one stop; it was all over so it wasn't as noticeable as it could have been. Then after one baby and the next, I just settled into mother hood, as everybody else, and the weight continued as I managed to take care of my family. I'd take them to McDonalds for a play time activity and I began eating more 'fun foods' with the kids. I didn't like to be restricted and always had a sweet tooth. This has continued like this - eating and gaining weight after every baby - until today. Here I am now 20 years, 6 kids and 100 pounds higher! It's only 5 lbs. a year but it DOES add up over time!

I've noticed I am unable to do the things I used to - even simple things like getting off the floor. My body looks very much like my Mom's and I remember her struggling to get off the floor as she held onto a side-table to help push her up or went on her knees. I used to just be able to go from a sitting to standing position, but now I find myself getting off the floor like my mother used too. This makes me feel VERY old.

I have a over-hanging belly which makes me not able to see my feet when I stand. It makes me look like a continually five or six month pregnant woman - which I am NOT! I hate the fact that my pants sometimes roll down because I have too large of a waist. Just yesterday, I was asked if I was expecting again! How embarrassing!

Also, it seems as if sometimes when I'm in an indian style position on the floor and bend over, something INSIDE of me seems to get out of wack and I have to sit up straight to work it out. Perhaps one of my organs getting pushed around with all the added fat. I'm ready not to experience THAT again.

Going to the store is no fun for me when it comes looking for clothes. Come on! Doesn't these clothing manufactures understand that FAT people LOVE fashion too? Why do most plus size clothing look as if it's better suited for someone in a nursing home? STYLE PEOPLE!

Then there's the issue about going up stairs. I don't notice much struggle with the 3 and 9 stair levels I have in my house, but when I had to rush up from the basement to the top floor (about 21 steps), that is when I feel it. I have little breath anymore for more than just 10 steps. This too is not good.

Now let's talk about genetics! Both sides of my family where heavy and at times, obese. Both were large in their own way but mostly around the belly. They didn't control their diet and now they are with the Lord. My father died of a stroke to the brainstem due to the many years of his love for fried food. My mother died of heart-related issues but they were all complications of her inability to control her diabetes, which runs strong on her side. She loved bread and sugar and so do I. I have many relatives on her side that had diabetes and colon cancer. So my genetics are against me I suppose.

My lack of time to do pretty much anything for myself is also at fault. Hey, take a look at my blog - you don't see many entries before this because I just don't have the time. I am a homeschooling mother of six kids! There is no time for me.

Handling stress has been a downfall for me. I usually handle stress reaching for sugar, bread, coffee (w/french vanilla), coke or I'd take a long nap. These things just made me more sluggish in the end. I also have an umbilical cord hernia that sometimes gives me pain. I know if I were thinner, I it wouldn't be an issue.

My woman's health issues haven't been all that great either. I have been battling with yeast problems and bacterial infections regularly. I know it's because of my great love for sugar! Yeast just LOVE every frappacino and cookie I eat! I've been saying for years I'm going to give up bread and sugar, but haven't done it. Now is the time!

Two other things to document concerning my health is the constant ringing in my ears and my eyesight going - but I don't think those things will change due to weight loss.

My self-esteem isn't very good at this point, and it shows up in many different areas of my life. I often put myself down with my friends and family and ever wonder WHY my husband still loves me and my children adore me. WHY?

I really want to be confident again having my picture taken! I also would love to be in great health for my 2 year old and grandchildren. At this rate, I won't, so I need to so SOMETHING. I recently got myself checked out and according the doctor, there's nothing wrong with me right now. My blood sugar and cholesterol are all just fine. However, it is hard carrying this extra weight and I know if even I lose a little weight, my chance for diabetes will decrease greatly AND I'll be motivated to begin an exercise routine. So here I go. I'm diving into a new life and I hope to document it along the way to one day look back and say, "Hey I remember feeling that way and now I don't."


Does anybody else feel the same way I do?