Monday, August 20, 2012

8/19/12 - DAY 15 - Two weeks into the Challange

Today marked day 15 on the Challenge and I have felt great!

In these past two weeks I have lost 4.5 pounds and that is with not being strict with the plan as I should. I have noticed using their products that my energy level is higher and I have more clarity. I also have noticed that I don't crave foods that are bad for me and I'm not as hungry as I usually am, which is a blessing in itself. However, the program does require me to drink a TON of water (about 1 GALLON of water per day) and it also requires you eating about 2-3 hours throughout the day.

I have found it difficult drinking that much water and keeping the schedule up. I have often drank WAY below that amount, skipped meals (thus skipping taking the ADVOCARE products that go with that meal) or just forgetting to take the ADVOCARE products when I should.

Even still, will all my mess-ups, I have still benefited from it losing over 2 pounds a week and have never felt this good in a very long time. I no longer am reaching for coffee or chocolate to pick me up in the afternoon, taking naps or wanting tons of bread products. I'm amazed on how these products have kept me focused on what is important in my life and health.

And it couldn't come at a better time!

Being in my mid-40's and homeschooling six kids, I'm a very busy Mom. Michael, who is also taking the Challenge, has events going on at work that require his extra efforts.

It has been two weeks now and I finally feel that I'm getting into the swing of things. They say you can do the challenge every 90 days and I plan to do it again in November. Until then, I will do my best on whatever time remains on this challenge and continue to learn more about the product and the company.

Oh, and about the company - I went to a meeting today and met some really great folks. It seems to be a great company to be involved with. I am going to learn more about it.

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