Monday, August 20, 2012

8/8/12 - Day 3 - I Thought Today Would Be Easier!

Well, I thought today would be easier. It wasn't.

You see, I knew I was going to be home all day. On Saturday (yes, the day we started our program), we tore off wall paper and today was the day I was going to finish sanding and putting on the sealer/primer since yesterday we were out all day. I found my day got so busy doing those things, that I too didn't keep on track as I was hoping to.

First of all, I didn't roll out of bed until 9 AM because of our exhausting day yesterday and then I stayed up last night trying to get stuff done.

I also noticed, as I ate the final fiber drink, that there were vitamin packets at the bottom of the box I didn't notice before. Here, they were the Herbal Cleanse tablets that I was reading about on the directions and we hadn't taken them the first two days into the challenge.

You see, we don't really have all the product yet. When we started the challenge, our friends gave us the supplies we would need for the first six days and so we are still waiting for the shipment. When I saw the Herbel Cleanse tablets at bedtime on the sheet, I thought it was a different product in a different box that is on it's way. Afterall, our friends didn't leave us any Meal Replacement Shakes and they were on the list too! So I just passed it off. But I was wrong - they were all there packaged together in one box. I HERBAL CLEANSE is an entire 'system' box and NOT just one 'product' box. All you need to cleanse yourself naturally is in that box. Well, chalk it up to experience - but now WHAT?

I called my friend and asked her what to do. At first, she didn't know and thought perhaps that we should start all over, but then she found out that we should just add it to days 7 and 8 instead. So tonight, Michael and I took the Herbal Cleanse tables for the first time.

I don't know why I didn't see them there. I just thought it was some kind of packaging ploy and that the box was just larger than needed to make it seem like more. My mind is always placing things into categories and boxes and I just didn't think more than one kind of product would be in the same box. Now I know that even the Probiotic Restore tables are there which is good to know since we are starting those tomorrow and we STILL haven't received our shipment.

The mix-up I blame it on my dyslexia!

Anywho, I didn't always eat on schedule, though I tried and I found I had even forgotten to take my Omegaplex at dinnertime (which was at 8pm!). I know I let too much time go between meals and I still didn't drink enough water. You know, though, I'm NOT discouraged. I'm in the middle of a learning curve with this product and in life and I'm willing to see it through. Even my friend, who had been using these products since last November, admitted that she had difficulty keeping track of everything and still is in her own learning curve as she guides others. No kidding!

I also asked her about our difficulty from yesterday. She said it's okay to skip the snack or eat more - it is just up to you. At least I think that is what she said - I'm still now quiet sure. I'm going to ask again.

I'm hoping I'll be there one day and that what I'm going through now will be a good lesson for me to pass on to for someone else.

Lord, please help me with day 4 because tomorrow I'll also be out most of the day to a doctor's appointment and then a birthday party. Will I survive? Stay tuned!

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